Posts tagged artist sketch
Measuring Twice…

The old carpentry adage “Measure twice, cut once is particularly applicable when you are building a treehouse around irregularly shaped trunks. For this Healdsburg project, we head out to a gorgeous grove of redwoods to get initial measurements to work with during the design process. The super precise stick-out won’t happen until later in the process, after design plans have been finalized.

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Pasadena Stick-Out

Every custom structure that we build begins with a site visit and some creative brainstorming. The family describes their needs and Barbara looks at any unusual or challenging features of the outdoor space. In this case, drastic changes in elevation were the key features to work around. Above, Barbara has…

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Painting on photos

Here’s a new design I’m hoping to build. I use the caveman program PAINT to draw my ideas right on the photo. I like the restrictions of the Paint program – not very many choices, can only undo about 7 steps, makes me feel like a kid!

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