Posts tagged treehouses
Benefits of Climbing

Sure, kids love to climb, but is it really that important? After all, they love staring at screens, too, and the jury is still out on whether that’s good for them. Turns out, young growing bodies are made to pull, grasp and leap and spending enough time on these activities…

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Choose Your Adventure

The most engaging play spaces? Ones that give kids options. Distinct areas for different kinds of play are key. One benefit of multifaceted structures is that they help integrate a wide range of personalities, from the bookish introvert living next door to the high-energy cousin who can climb anything. Another plus: they are welcoming…

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Measuring Twice…

The old carpentry adage “Measure twice, cut once is particularly applicable when you are building a treehouse around irregularly shaped trunks. For this Healdsburg project, we head out to a gorgeous grove of redwoods to get initial measurements to work with during the design process. The super precise stick-out won’t happen until later in the process, after design plans have been finalized.

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