Robin Hood Fort Series
Robin Hood Fort Series
Robin Hood Fort 1 Swing:
4’ 6” x 4’ 6” x 10’ high 2-story Play Fort with 7’ deck height and playhouse below with front door with sliding “who-goes-there” & doorknocker, mailbox, shuttered window, jail bar window, crenellations, cut-outs all around, and inside bench over secret escape door.
Rock climbing wall
Hand-woven Rope Net Ladder
13’ high Stainless steel Fireman’s pole with safety gate
Turbo tube slide
3’ long x 2’ wide bridge over 1 disc swing with 36” high Fortress Railings
$27,800 plus delivery & installation
Robin Hood Fort 2 Swings:
4’ 6” x 4’ 6” x 10’ high 2-story Play Fort with 7’ deck height and playhouse below with front door with sliding “who-goes-there” & doorknocker, mailbox, shuttered window, jail bar window, crenellations, cut-outs all around, and inside bench over secret escape door.
Rock climbing wall
Hand-woven Rope Net Ladder
13’ high Stainless steel Fireman’s pole with safety gate
Turbo tube slide
9’ long x 2’ wide bridge over 2 belt swings with 36” high Fortress Railings
$37,600 plus delivery & installation
Robin Hood 3 Swings:
4’ 6” x 4’ 6” x 10’ high 2-story Play Fort with 7’ deck height and playhouse below with front door with sliding “who-goes-there” & doorknocker, mailbox, shuttered window, jail bar window, crenellations, cut-outs all around, and inside bench over secret escape door.
Rock climbing wall
Hand-woven Rope Net Ladder
13’ high Stainless steel Fireman’s pole with safety gate
Turbo tube slide
12’ long x 2’ wide bridge over 2 belt swings with 36” high Fortress Railings
$41,600 plus delivery & installation
Prices listed are for fabrication only. Additional fees apply for design changes and modifications, delivery, and installation.
R.H. Fort
1 Swing
Robin Hood's Fort with 1 Swings includes a 2 story tower (4'6"x4'6" with 7' deck height) with playhouse below. Play Features include: rock climbing wall, firepole, turbo tube slide, rope net ladder, flag pole & 3' long Bridge over 1 disc swing.
R.H. Fort
2 Swing
Robin Hood's Fort with 2 Swings has an long 7' Bridge extending from the Fort to the Rope Net Ladder. The Bridge is long enough to attach 2 belt swings underneath allowing 2 kids to swing at the same time. All the other standard Robin Hood's Fort features are still there: the Rock Climbing Wall, the Firepole, the Turbo Tube Slide and the Rope Net Ladder at the end of the long Bridge.
R.H. Fort
3 Swing
Robin Hood's Fort with 3 Swings has an long 12' Bridge extending from the Fort to the Rope Net Ladder. The Bridge is long enough to attach 2 belt swings underneath allowing 3 kids to swing at the same time. All the other standard Robin Hood's Fort features are still there: the Rock Climbing Wall, the Firepole, the Turbo Tube Slide and the Rope Net Ladder at the end of the long Bridge.