Robin Hoods Fort 1-Swing

Robin Hoods Fort 1-Swing

Sale Price:$4,800.00 Original Price:$31,750.00

Used Robin Hoods Fort 1-Swing for sale by owner.


This fort was built in 2016 and is in very good shape.

Owner asking price is $4,800 (price does not include dismantling, delivery & re-installation). A similar, brand new Robin Hood’s Fort 1 Swing with addition of a Pyramid Roof (without the slide but that could be added) is $31,750 plus dismantle, delivery & re-installation. An excellent bargain!

For more details and specifications, check out our Robin Hoods Fort Series.

Sold Out
See details below

Disclaimer: Barbara Butler Artist-Builder Inc is not offering this play structure for sale. This sale is through the owner. All inquiries & communications as to price, condition of structure, etc. must go through the owner via the email address above. Barbara Butler Artist-Builder Inc. offers this promotional service to our clients free of charge as a way to help recycle beautiful play structures.  For a standard quote for Barbara's crew to dismantle, deliver & re-install this fort at your home, please email us, referencing Used Robin Hood Fort and include your zip code. Thank you.

Forest Hideout Inside 01.jpg

Forest Hideout
