Cozy Cabin Plans

Cozy Cabin Plans
Cozy Cabin Playhouse: 3'6" wide x 5' long x 7' high playhouse with Gable roof with faux chimney, front Dutch door with sliding "who-goes-there" peephole, mail slot, cut-outs, 2 side window openings with shutters and escape hatch on back wall.
See Plan Package (below) for details about what is included with your plans!
This is a non-refundable product. Returns are not accepted.
These plans require carpentry skills and are NOT for the novice builder. For best results, we recommend hiring a local contractor or handy-man to build from these plans.
Plan Package includes:
Large Format Drawings:
Elevations colored, signed, numbered & dated by Barbara
Arch D Sheet of AutoCAD Sections and Structural Elevations with dimensions
1:1 scale templates for cut-outs and trims
Construction Document Book:
Legal-sized AutoCAD drawings, in the order of building, with detailed cut-lists and fasteners on each page
Overview photographs of the finished structure
Material Take-Off list, including recommended amounts of lumber, hardware, and other materials needed
Barbara’s BIY Parts available for purchase on our website
Color Map showing the distribution of color (inside & out)
Recommended stain colors and quantities to purchase
Recommended Play Accessories
Assortment of relevant photos to assist you in building
Site Plan with recommended use zone
Staining and Maintenance instructions
This is a non-refundable product. Returns are not accepted.