Barbara Butler Artist-Builder Inc.

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We love hearing from delighted clients! Here are a couple of testimonials that put a smile on our faces.

From Erin (client):

 We’d love to “report in” on the success of the fort.  We are logging several hours  of play in it each day.  Today there were 7 neighborhood kids in it, one of whom I had never seen before!  

We were sitting down for dinner the other night and Will was in the yard blowing kisses into the air.  I assumed he was practicing for the school play they have coming up; perhaps they have to blow kisses to the audience at the end of the show?  So I asked him when he came in what he was doing with the kisses?  He reported he was blowing them to his playfort.  How cute is that?  …  

You guys really did a terrific job on it.  it’s pretty amazing and so creative.  They just don’t get bored of it!  we are now having to plant a fruit and vegetable garden because they don’t want to have to come all the way inside to get a snack.  They just want to stay out there…  Thanks!

Our structures can be adapted for kids of all abilities. One client wrote to tell us how her son with special needs was engaging with his new tree house.

From Caroline (client): 

James is learning to walk up the steps and loves it… He loves to be outside and good motivation to get to the top up in the trees. 

The stairs you  built are perfect for him since they are narrow enough for him to hold both sides and the multiple horizontal rails at various heights allows him to grab on at a comfortable level. 

In case you are doing one of these again for kids with special needs, this aspect has been great and his therapists love it.  Of course he likes the swings and stuff too!

Way to go, James!