Magical Bridge Santa Clara Grand Opening
Magical Bridge Santa Clara Grand Opening was August 28th and it was huge success! Our crew spent the day ahead cleaning and preparing the playhouse for the celebration.
Luis and Moises cleaning any remaining construction dust off Ava’s Bridge.
Moy and Luis take a quick break from cleaning to check that all the screws are set and bolts are tight.
Barbara and the crew clean and do a final safety check in preparation for the hundreds of guests expected the following day.
Barbara doing a last walk-thru reviewing of the play structure. Is everything ready? YES!
A few photos from the grand opening, curtesy of Kris Loew.
The donor wall colorfully honors all who donated time and money to make this new Magical Bridge Playground a reality.
Avery's Library on the 2nd level of the playhouse has both permanent wooden books to inspire and real books to share.
Every Magical Bridge Playground has a Bakery with wooden cakes & cash register delightfully painted for hours of imaginative play.
The Architect's Workbench is there to spark the imagination of would-be designers and architects. The workbench was sponsored by friends of architect George Espinola, honoring his legacy in architecture.
Barbara (center) is joined by niece Lila Butler (left) and Magical Bridge designer Raj
It was a beautiful day to celebrate the newest Magical Bridge Playground!
Learn more about Magical Bridge Santa Clara here.