Hillside Ramble

Perched like a long, sinewy snake atop its mountain habitat, Hillside Ramble takes kids on a journey through the land of imagination. Since we’re all about PLAY here at BBAB, why don’t you play along and see if you can match each location to its number on the site plan above? Answers at the end :)

The adventure begins here, at the entrance deck, which attaches to the swing bridge.

On the other side of the swing bridge, you’ll find yourself challenged to slide down a fire pole and then scale a rock climbing wall to get back up. Can you locate yourself on the site plan?

Now you’ve reached the log bridge, a test of balance and bravery. For bonus points, find this spot on the map!

The next segment offer you a choice of dashing across a bridge or swing along the monkey bars underneath.

Up the Rope Climb, then time for a breather — pull up the bucket for some snacks and take a rest before continuing on.

It’s a speedy trip down the straight slide to the yard where a rung ladder allows you to climb back up over the retaining wall and head to the swings. Look carefully; every location I’ve mentioned is represented in this image! Can you match them up with their respective numbers??

Hop on the entrance deck and duck into the fully enclosed, elevated clubhouse, which is your final destination.

You made it to the charming clubhouse, complete with foldable table and chairs, storage cupboard, Top Secret Safe (with real combination lock!), skylight, and hinged windows. Thanks for playing :) Check your answers here:

1 & 2

3 & 3a




8, 12, 11

10, 9

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