Barbara Butler Artist-Builder Inc.

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Choose Your Adventure

The most engaging play spaces? Ones that give kids options. Distinct areas for different kinds of play are key. One benefit of multifaceted structures is that they help integrate a wide range of personalities, from the bookish introvert living next door to the high-energy cousin who can climb anything.

Another plus: they are welcoming to a wide range of ages. Little brother can dig in the sandbox while the big kids run across the hanging bridge. A toddler-friendly ladder on one side and a challenging rock wall on the other means they can meet at the top.

Finally, this type of treehouse makes space for a more complex type of imaginative play. Perhaps the fugitives have hunkered down in a hidden cave for the night, or are rowing to safety in a stolen boat. Or maybe the royal tea party is interrupted by wild animals who must be chased off before the guests can return to their crumpets.

A quiet picnic nook and an art corner make space for your budding artist to take a break from the chase.

An exhilarating ride on the zip line is a chance for a cautious child to face their fears.

Time spent playing is more than just a break for mom. It’s a crucial part of children’s development, and an inviting setting encourages them to dive into outdoor, imaginative games. Happy playing!