Castle Play Structure under construction

Friday, June 12:

Started the day with the Clubhouse framed, sided and the railing post anchored in the deck.

Marco, who has been cutting/shaping the elegant, curved knee braces, is pleased with his handiwork! Once the deck is up in the air, the knee braces will attach underneath (between the corner posts) providing additional strength & stability to the 10.5′ x 10.5′ deck.

Jose constructs the picket railings around the Big Deck

Aubrey and Andrew grind the corner footing posts for the the clubhouse and the 5×5 Fort. The corner posts run long into the ground (inserted into metal sleeves and secured in concrete) to provide the play structure with strength and stability.

End of day and the Clubhouse is already partially disassembled. Monday the crew will start on building the 5×5 Fort that anchors the other end of the 9′ long bridge.