Castle Court: Fit for a King


Behold the fabled kingdom of Castle Court! Hidden in a grove of trees, many thought it was only a myth. And yet, here it stands before you, rising up out of the morning mist. With trembling knees, you cross the drawbridge and approach the well-fortified and majestic Gatehouse.


The gate swings open and you enter into a wooded courtyard large enough to host a royal banquet or a jousting match between knights. Possible saboteurs are kept at bay by a sturdy, five-foot tall fence while a hanging rope bridge sways high above, connecting the Gatehouse and a twelve-sided tower on the other side of the courtyard.

Rising eighteen feet into the air, the upper level of the tower features windows facing in every direction for a clear view of any approaching enemy. The lower level houses built-in bunk beds in case of  a prolonged siege.


You head up to the hanging bridge, and pause halfway across this walkway across the sky to take in the view of the courtyard below.