Odyssey invites you on a journey through 55 feet of decks, bridges, and ramps that connect a wide variety of play options along the way. The creative design fits perfectly into the surroundings, transforming the sloping landscape into a kids’ haven.

The wiggly rope bridge connects platforms of different levels, which gives youngsters both an added challenge and an extra dose of satisfaction once they have mastered it. The fire pole offers up a different kind of adrenaline rush while the bucket pulley system is perfect for imaginative play.

Below the central bridge, give your upper body a workout as you swing yourself across the rings or take a more relaxing approach and ponder the clouds as you lounge on the circle swing.

The unique log bridge allows kids to practice their balance and coordination, while they imagine crossing a rushing river in the wilderness. Hand-lashed rope netting ensures a safe passage while preserving the view.

On either side of the log bridge, kids can choose a fast descent on the twirly slide or try their hand at rock climbing with our professional-grade hand holds along the central tower.

From a distance, Odyssey coordinates so well with the natural environment that it almost looks like it grew there organically! The thrilling, extra-long zip-line measure 61 feet from tree to tree and takes advantage of the existing slop of the landscape. Let the journey begin :)

The interior of Odyssey takes you on a journey through the tree tops. Start by testing your balance as you trek across this rugged redwood log. Adventure awaits on the other side…

It doesn’t get any more arboreal than a tree coming right through the floor! Barbara’s structures are painstakingly designed to perfectly fit around each trunk for the beauty and health of the tree.

Next up is the hanging bridge. Is that a troll wiggling and jiggling it as you run past? Or perhaps a tornado has taken control of the bridge! Either way, the voyage must continue.

Every traveler must take a pit stop from time to time. Lookout Fort is the perfect spot for a little rest and contemplation before you continue on your way.

A pulley bucket stands at the ready for receiving secret messages or peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches from the ground level as you gather your strength for the last leg of the journey.

No trip is complete without a breathtaking zip-line ride. This one clocks in at a whopping 61 feet of adrenaline thrills from tree to tree. Bon voyage!

Odyssey’s focal point is a massive log serving as a bridge from one section of the structure to another. The first step is for Jeff to safely transport it to our shop in South San Francisco from a mill in the Santa Cruz mountains.