Efficiently tucked into a corner of the yard and perched among the branches of a Monterey pine, this treehouse makes for an attractive and inviting respite from your troubles. Homework and chores zapping the joy out of life? Take a daydreaming break on the sunny deck or swing your cares away.

Access to the second level requires climbing skills or a ladder workout so you’re sure to get those exercise endorphins flowing. Before you know it, fighting with your brother over the last cookie will be merely a distant memory!

For an extra upper body challenge, try out the integrated monkey bars or hanging rings. Keep at it even if it’s hard; the confidence boost you’ll get from mastering a new skill will have you feeling like a superhero.

Our irresistible wooden door and shutters have a 1/2” gap around the edge, preventing pinched fingers no matter how many times they are opened and closed.

The ladder will lead you right up to the clubhouse deck.

The clubhouse is surrounded by a deck that brings you into the heart of the tree.

The interior is ready for a tea party or some of that good old-fashioned lolly-gagging that childhood is all about. Give your brain a break from technology and let your mind go wild with play possibilities in this cheerful real-life Monterey Pine Treehouse.