Castle Dragon Theater: an old arched stone bridge on the property makes a perfect match for the castle theme.

Castle Dragon Theater: First we build, carve and stain, then assemble the structure in our shop to make sure everything fits perfectly. Next we disassemble, pack and deliver all the modular pieces to site. Then the guys install, carefully laying the floors first, assembling the walls second, adding the bridges, trims, swings, etc. and as a final step, applying a 2nd protective coat of clear tung-oil. We have a great crew!

Castle Dragon Theater: The main theater stage apron is supplemented with a lower corner stage platform - a great spot for off-stage action to take place!

Castle Dragon Theater: Top Secret Locking Safe and Chalkboard are inside the alcove of the Castle Clubhouse. The Decision Wheel is downstairs, inside the Theater maze. Write a question on the blackboard area, then spin the wheel. Or, leave a secret message for friends who know the code.

Castle Dragon Theater: The entire play structure is built around a wonderful old tree, with branches breaking through the deck to become part of the play space.

Castle Dragon Theater: The view from afar of the side of the play structure shows how big it really is. The theater is 26' deep with a Castle Clubhouse on the upper level and a secret "maze" on the lower level behind the Theater back drop wall. Off the back of the upper deck is the Bridge-over-Swings, leading to the modified Stacking Tower with rung ladder, leading to the Hand-over-Hand Bars.

Castle Dragon Theater: Every Castle needs a secret Password Tumbler at the entrance so you can tell friend from foe.

Castle Dragon Theater: Different shaped openings to allow light in and keep rain out.

A close-up of one of the carved and stained fire-breathing dragons that flank the theater stage opening.

Castle Dragon Theater: Here is Barbara's Color Map (Idea #3) and the Site Plan which shows an overhead view of the play structure.