Professional-grade rock climbing holds make for a challenging climb. Use the giant rope for a little extra help!

The underside of the deck has rings you can access by standing on the sturdy toy box bench.

Inside, a skylight provides natural light throughout, illuminating our signature drop-leaf table and benches.

The natural soothing colors blend into the scenery, while the play structure calls out to the children to climb and run.

Come join us for some California Dreamin’ - designed for serious play as well as day dreaming.

The upper bridge leading to the playhouse is additional play space, perfect for lollygagging.

Whitewash walls provide an inviting interior. The top secret safe features a real lock and doubles as extra seating.

Shelf with pegs provide a place to hang your jacket while you wait for a letter in the mailbox.

Check out the monkey bars and hanging rings for an upper-body workout. Balls & toys are stashed in the bench.