Staff Spotlight: Panzu, Media Event Manager Intern


For the last four months of 2015, we’ve had the pleasure of having a Media Event Manager Intern join us. Panzu Nzao-Ngola is from a small town in the Netherlands and came to us through her university’s international student program.


During her time at BBAB, Panzu worked on various media projects, including a 2016 calendar of Play Originals and three books: Kid’s Treehouses, Custom Play Structures & Public Use Playgrounds.


In addition to these projects, Panzu also took photos on-site and helped Rudi with staining from time to time.


Back home in the Netherlands, Panzu plays top-tier amateur women’s basketball. In her spare time in the U.S., Panzu joined co-ed pick-up basketball games at Stanford University, where they let her play for free once they saw that she could beat all the guys!


A big milestone of Panzu’s time with us was her 21st birthday, which came just four days after her arrival. To celebrate, she biked all around San Francisco. Another highlight of the internship for her was going to a Giant’s baseball game with some of the BBAB team for a classically American experience.


In November, her boyfriend and sister flew in for a visit and the trio travelled around the western United States, including the Grand Canyon.

We wish Panzu the best of luck in her future endeavors. We will miss her bright energy, keen photographic eye and happy personality!