Barbara Butler Artist-Builder Inc.

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More Magical Bridge

Since Palo Alto’s Magical Bridge Playground opened in 2015, families with children of all abilities have flocked to the park to joyfully play together.  This comes as no surprise since it is filling an important need as the country’s most inclusive play space, welcoming people of all abilities. If only every community could have one, right?

Luckily, the Magical Bridge Foundation is working to make that dream come to as many people as possible. In fact, this tireless team is currently working on creating new inclusive playgrounds throughout the Bay Area and beyond. We are proud to have been a part of this vision from the beginning and thrilled to be able to bring Barbara’s uniquely fully-accessible two-story playhouse to kids near and far.

Want to help? Fundraising is currently underway for the first three Magical Bridge offshoots, located in the California towns of Redwood City, Sunnyvale and Morgan Hill. While the foundation works closely with local parks departments, funding amazing play spaces like these is a group effort, and individual donations and corporate sponsorships are a vital piece of the puzzle. Learn more here.

Is your neighborhood in need of an playground for all abilities? Hop on over to the Magical Bridge Foundation’s website to request one for your neck of the woods. We hope to see you there!