Barbara Butler Artist-Builder Inc.

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Measuring Twice…

The old carpentry adage “Measure twice, cut once is particularly applicable when you are building a treehouse around irregularly shaped trunks. For this Healdsburg project, we head out to a gorgeous grove of redwoods to get initial measurements to work with during the design process. The super precise stick-out won’t happen until later in the process, after design plans have been finalized.

These magnificent coastal redwoods, the tallest trees on the planet at over 350 feet, make an idyllic setting for a treehouse. This picture gives you a sense of the monumental scale of these giants.

In consultation with the family, Barbara then uses the figures from the measuring expedition to create a possible design. Here, she uses the elevation change and height of the trees to create a treehouse reminiscent of an enchanted cottage in the woods. Complete with hanging bridge, rope ladder, wrap-around deck and two welcome flags, the only thing missing is a fun fairy-tale color palette.