Keeping Up with Ava

Our structures are designed to be durable and stand up to both the weather and wear and tear from little feet — which is especially pertinent for our public-use structures such as Magical Bridge, which hosts a teeming group of kids every day. However, some upkeep is still needed and this week the local Kiwanis Club teamed up with the BBAB crew to do some maintenance.


We started with Ava’s Bridge, named after Magical Bridge founder Olenka Villareal’s daughter, who was the inspiration for this inclusive play space. Our team donated the supplies and know-how and the wonderful Kiwanis volunteers made it happen.


Day one was cleaning, sanding and tightening bolts and day two was staining with our signature natural tung oil stain. It looks great and is now ready for many more months of vigorous, inclusive play.

A big thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Palo Alto for their contribution to this unique playground! When the whole community comes together for children, we can make magical things happen.

Kento Mizunoava, Magical Bridge