Barbara Butler Artist-Builder Inc.

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Family Thanksgiving

Every Thanksgiving, the Butler clan gathers for a family dinner in the small California town of Sebastapol. Here they are in 2014, celebrating with good food, conversation and red wine. (Absent are James, Patty and Eileen, who weren’t able to make it that year.)

A table massive enough to accommodate the whole Butler gang was made from — what else? — a redwood tree that was felled by a storm on brother Michael’s land. He and his wife, Timi, had it made into a table and set it up in their backyard. In this 2013 picture, you can see the table’s natural beauty and ability to stand up to the elements.

Over the years, many of this group have pitched in at Barbara Butler, Artist/Builder, whether for years or a few weeks. Besides Barbara and Suzanne, CFO extraordinaire, each of the Butler siblings and quite a few nieces and nephews have all been a part of the BBAB team at one time or another.

Of course, the day wouldn’t be complete without some Butler silliness! Clearly Barbara’s not the only one in her family who’s still a kid at heart.

From our family to yours — Have a great Thanksgiving!