Barbara Butler Artist-Builder Inc.

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Cozy Cabin: More Staining

Back at the shop, Rudi is also working on adding color to the Cozy Cabin, our next project.

Here he has just finished staining the Universe “cut-outs” on the back wall (star, moon & planet) and has cut around the carvings with the wall color.

Next Rudi uses a sponge brush to wipe on the exterior wall color. To the right are 2 of the interior walls, already stained & drying.

Daisy continues to wait patiently for Barbara & Jeff to return from site.

3 out of 4 walls are done and left leaning against the shop wall cabinets to dry. Tomorrow, Rudi will stain the front wall with the kitty cat and tulip carvings.

Stay tuned for more Castle Play Structure installation images that Barbara will bring back with her tonight!